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منابع مشابه
A Modified Flux Vector Splitting Scheme for Flow Analysis in Shock Wave Laminar Boundary Layer Interactions
The present work introduces a modified scheme for the solution of compressible 2-D full Navier-Stokes equations, using Flux Vector Splitting method. As a result of this modification, numerical diffusion is reduced. The computer code which is developed based on this algorithm can be used easily and accurately to analyze complex flow fields with discontinuity in properties, in cases such as shock...
متن کاملA Modified Flux Vector Splitting Scheme for Flow Analysis in Shock Wave Laminar Boundary Layer Interactions
The present work introduces a modified scheme for the solution of compressible 2-D full Navier-Stokes equations, using Flux Vector Splitting method. As a result of this modification, numerical diffusion is reduced. The computer code which is developed based on this algorithm can be used easily and accurately to analyze complex flow fields with discontinuity in properties, in cases such as shock...
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In this study, turbulent flow around a tube bundle in non-orthogonal grid is simulated using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique and parallelization of fully coupled Navier – Stokes (NS) equations. To model the small eddies, the Smagorinsky and a mixed model was used. This model represents the effect of dissipation and the grid-scale and subgrid-scale interactions. The fully coupled NS eq...
متن کاملMixed Large-Eddy Simulation Model for Turbulent Flows across Tube Bundles Using Parallel Coupled Multiblock NS Solver
In this study, turbulent flow around a tube bundle in non-orthogonal grid is simulated using the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) technique and parallelization of fully coupled Navier – Stokes (NS) equations. To model the small eddies, the Smagorinsky and a mixed model was used. This model represents the effect of dissipation and the grid-scale and subgrid-scale interactions. The fully coupled NS eq...
متن کاملUnconditional stability of a partitioned IMEX method for magnetohydrodynamic flows
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows are governed by Navier–Stokes equations coupled with Maxwell equations through coupling terms. We prove the unconditional stability of a partitioned method for the evolutionary full MHD equations, at high magnetic Reynolds number, written in the Elsässer variables. The method we analyze is a first-order onestep scheme, which consists of implicit discretization of...
متن کاملHigh Accuracy Method for Magnetohydrodynamics System in Elsässer Variables
The MHD flows are governed by the Navier-Stokes equations coupled with the Maxwell equations through coupling terms. We prove the unconditional stability of a partitioned method for the evolutionary full MHD equations, at high magnetic Reynolds number, in the Elsässer variables. The method we propose is a defect correction second order scheme, and entails the implicit discretization of the subp...
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